company profile
what we do
Through a multitude of media, this relatively new company makes its significant impact inspiring people into hope and action, encouraging them into their own individual and collective triumphs with the rally cry: I did it! You can, too! Having started as an independent publisher (A1A Press), Pug At The Beach (a division of A1A Press) now encompasses books, apparel, healing goods as well as charitable endeavors all designed with one purpose in mind—to offer everyone the power of voice and choice.
where we came from
In 2004, after several life shattering events, Diana Taylor, who uses the pen name Jackson Dunes, a former stay-at-home mom, decided to follow her passion, and set up a publishing house to print her first book: Pug At The Beach: An Island Dog’s Reflections on Life. She wasn’t sure where it would lead, but intuitively knew it was better than where she had been.
In quick succession, other endeavors followed: Pug In The Classroom, donating books to schools and libraries, because we feel that no voice should go unheard; Pug On Top, donating hats to people dealing with grave illness, because we feel that everyone should feel good about themselves regardless of their life conditions or circumstances; and Pug's online store, featuring Pug Apparel and various Pug-approved paper goods to help people keep the Pug philosophy in their lives.
Healing and the promotion of well-being through independence and strength is factored into every aspect of Pug At The Beach, from products to mentoring other entrepreneurs to making available programs and opportunities to the community as a whole.
what we get right
From the onset, Taylor's concept of a simple drawing of Pug as life’s talisman, has garnered much praise. Simplicity coupled with an undying belief in the rights of everyman and a tenacious perseverance to take her company to ever increasing levels of financial and critical success has proven Pug At The Beach to be an admired, respected and loved company with a promising future. It is this You Can Do It! attitude which has guided Pug At The Beach from its humble beginnings of one local venue to over a dozen retailers solely through a grass roots movement and despite a limited budget.
Taylor’s background of adversity from a difficult marriage to the misdiagnosis of a terminal illness serves as a continual prompting to help others, encouraging people of all ages—women especially—into the belief that they, too, can do it just as she has. Whether through structured mentoring, casual coaching, or simply through the continued support of feedback, Taylor has developed a reputation as an enthusiastic resource for women in business. In 2007, the WBC nominated Taylor for the SBA's Champion Of Women In Business Award.
The desire for effective outreach sees Taylor embarking on various outside avenues including teaching, radio promotion and continually tweaking the company’s website all to offer hope, inspiration and fun.
what's next
With momentum gathering and a company culture of optimism, Pug At The Beach is poised to step into bigger adventures. The long awaited book, Pug At The Beach: More Adventures From The Beach has been published. This book accompanies two volumns of poetry and a book of short stories. All are available on Amazon and through Barnes & Noble. And as always, Taylor herself is continually honing business skills, always looking for ways to guide others into their best and most creative lives.